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3 Social Media Marketing Strategies To Try In 2016

3 Social Media Marketing Strategies To Try In 2016

Developing a social media marketing strategy for 2016 is important. Just sticking with what you did last year is a mistake because, as you know, things are changing all the time and you need to keep up. You don't have to go as far as crumbling up your old plan and tossing it out, however. Take some time to analyze what worked and didn't work last year, then try out at least one new social media marketing strategy this year. You may be pleasantly surprised with the results. Here are three good ideas to try in 2016: (more…)

twitter power 3.0: How to Dominate Your Market ONE TWEET AT A TIME (Book Review)

twitter power 3.0: How to Dominate Your Market ONE TWEET AT A TIME (Book Review)

I just finished reading twitter power 3.0: How to Dominate Your Market ONE TWEET AT A TIME for the second time. I generally don't read books more than once. This book was jam-packed with so much great advice, I just had to read it again to pick up some of the information I missed the first time.

The Forward to this book was written by Guy Kawasaki and reviews on the back of the book were written by Robert Scoble, Chris Brogan, Jay Baer and Mari Smith. That was my first clue this book was a “must read.” And it was. (more…)

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