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Streaming Video And Digital Marketing: Which Streaming Service Is For You?

Streaming Video And Digital Marketing: Which Streaming Service Is For You?Streaming live video apps are all the rage this summer, particularly because of their ease of use on social media for live personal events. While you've likely seen live Periscope or Meerkat video feeds on Twitter, they aren't the only video streaming apps available on the market today. They're also not completely a play toy, even if it seems that way with most live streams you've seen. (more…)

Stock Brokers can Benefit from Social Media

Stock Broker and Digital MarketingThe financial services industry has changed quite a bit over recent years. Technology has opened up the purchase of stocks to a far greater audience and stock brokers have been introduced to a very diverse group of investors. These changes have also required stock brokers to adapt to the new environment. Those who have proven themselves to be successful have shown a unique ability to develop new characteristics. (more…)

Robots May Soon Be Able to Create Their Own Offspring

Robots and new technologyCovering new technology can easily usurp every hour of every day considering how fast tech evolution happens. While mobile devices, virtual gaming, and apps get most of the mainstream media coverage, you don't always get a chance to see how fast robotics evolve. With all the concern in fiction about how far we're taking artificial intelligence, it might ring some alarm bells when you see some of the latest robotic experiments. (more…)

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