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3 Best Practices For Inbound Real Estate Marketing

3 Best Practices For Inbound Real Estate Marketing

Inbound marketing is a perfect match for marketing virtually any business, but some real estate professionals are slow to come around to the idea of applying the inbound marketing methodology to their business. They continue to rely on outbound tools and techniques like radio and print advertising to get prospective clients' attention, and deliver their message. The problem with this approach is they waste marketing resources delivering their message to a lot of people who are not in the real estate market, either as buyers or sellers. (more…)

For Time-Sensitive Projects, Mobile Ads Can Pay Off

Mobile Ads, Mobile Ad, Mobile Advertising, Mobile Devices, CPAs, Real Estate, LawtyersMany CPAs advertise using traditional methods such as community newsletters and perhaps a coupon mailer. Local radio shows are good venues; particularly drive-time shows that can boast loyal listeners but can also get quite expensive. Networking is another method. There are local and state business events where CPAs are a natural draw. Other opportunities are participating and joining on as a sponsor for charity sponsorships and supporting local sports teams. I’m going to throw another one at you that I bet you haven’t considered: mobile ads. (more…)

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