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The Future Of Communication Is Shifting To Live Video [Podcast]

The Future Of Communication Is Shifting To Live Video [Podcast]

Classrooms now are much different from the ones your grandparents were in when they were young. For one thing, nobody had laptops and smartphones. Depending how old you are, there might have been a few TVs — not flat screens, the bulky ones. And, no classroom would have been complete without the tried-and-true overhead projector. The point is, there were none of the high-tech devices you normally see in schools today. (more…)

Use Social Media To Amplify Your Content

Use Social Media To Amplify Your Content

Have you ever spent hours working on a blog post you thought millions of readers would love? Were you disappointed when it didn't get the millions of views, Likes, positive comments and shares you were sure it was going to get? We’ve all been there: A great idea for a new blog post hits us. We strap ourselves in to write. Several hours later, we publish our finished masterpiece and wait for the rush of congratulations we’re certain will come pouring in. (more…)

Social Networks And eCommerce

Social Networks And eCommerce

Over the past decade on the internet, there have been plenty of social networks taking the world by storm. They have reached an audience like no other form of communication has before. This is what makes it important to the eCommerce industry to utilize these social networks. (more…)

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