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3 New Social Media Marketing Tools You Should Try

3 New Social Media Marketing Tools You Should Try

3 New Social Media Marketing Tools

Social Media Marketing StrategySocial media marketing tools can make your life easier… or more complicated if you get bogged down with trying too many tools or thinking you need to use them all. After experimenting with a new social media marketing tool, ask yourself if it performs better than a similar tool you're already using. If one of your current tools can be replaced with a new one that's better, then go for it without anxiety. There's no need to hold onto a tool that no longer serves you. It's important to occasionally try new social media marketing apps because you may find one that saves you more time or money. Here are three new social media marketing tools that are worth trying: (more…)



Lawyers in the UK have realized the importance of using new technology to improve their services and help grow their firms. Wise lawyers are also brainstorming ideas to streamline tasks and increase profits with new technology. A few examples of technology that lawyers are experimenting with include big data, cloud-based services, and artificial intelligence. (more…)

10 Tools For Making Your Digital Life Easier

Tools, TipsDo you ever find yourself creating to-do lists for organizing all of your to-do lists? Are you struggling with establishing a system for storing files online? Is the idea of sharing your screen in an online meeting a daunting task that you would prefer to completely avoid? Have you ever had hiccups in the past when attempting to collaborate with clients via the Internet? If so, you are not alone. Here are 10 tools to help you increase productivity, boost social networking, manage online storage, simplify communication, and make your digital life easier. (more…)

3D Printing, 3D Printing Tools

Adobe PhotoShop, 3D PrintingThis is a Guest Post written by John Lewis, a consultant and blogger at Inprint.

With all the hype surrounding 3D printing tools, Adobe Systems Inc has incorporated important updates that include support for 3D printing. The computer software company (who brought the multimedia and creativity software Adobe Creative Suite), particularly the Photoshop CC, integrates this capability in order to simplify the process of 3D printing. What can you expect from this update? Here are some: (more…)

Rumors Of The Death Of Email Are Highly Exaggerated

email, business, tips, marketingRumors Of The Death Of Email Are Highly Exaggerated. I remember reading a couple of years ago that email was dead. People weren't using it to communicate any longer; instead, they were on Facebook, Twitter, and texting each other. And now, of course, there are all these other services that integrate graphics and video with just a little bit of content, like SnapChat, Vine, and Instagram. (more…)

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