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[PODCAST] Don’t Just Sit There! Develop A Digital Marketing Strategy

[PODCAST] Don’t Just Sit There! Develop A Digital Marketing Strategy

I hope I don't need to convince you how important it is for you to create a presence online if you're running a business in today’s digital world. Your target audience, would-be clients, existing market, and potential community are online. It's logical and efficient for you to connect with them right where they are. It provides business owners like yourself a non-invasive, more welcoming, and comfortable venue to reach them and interact with them. (more…)

Leading Effects Of The Internet

Leading Effects Of The Internet

Although the internet has only been widely used for a couple of decades, it's hard to imagine life without it. We use Google, Facebook, and countless other websites on a daily basis to look up information, connect with people, and find entertainment. But what are the effects of the internet and online communities on society, business, and other areas of life? Because the internet is so pervasive in our society today it's easy to overlook some of its effects. Here are some of the ways the online world has transformed the way we live. (more…)

If Your Website Is Not Yet Mobile Ready, You’re Losing Out On Lots Of Traffic

Mobile Responsive Websites Are A Must

This week's guest post was written by Sarah Smith, a small business owner and a writer of Constant Clicks she is currently learning about digital marketing.

Earlier this year, Google released a major update to the algorithm the company uses to rank websites on its results pages. The update codified a new standard for webpages- mobile responsiveness, or mobile readiness. Sites that meet the standard now get boosted above those that do not for all search users on mobile devices. (more…)

Duplicate Content: Why Attorneys Create It And How To Avoid It

Attorney Inbound Marketing Word Cloud and Duplicate ContentDuplicate Content? Many attorneys like to blog or even write their own website content. While this might seem a good way to avoid expense, it usually ends up harming a firm's search rankings more than it helps. Why? Because when attorneys write website content, they often create duplicate content. Usually this is done completely by mistake, but sometimes it is intentional. In either event, it is likely harming the site's visibility on search engines. (more…)

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