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Memorial Day Marketing Ideas

Memorial Day Marketing Ideas

Memorial Day is May 30th and is part of Military Appreciation Month. Many also celebrate Memorial Day as the introduction to Summer. The nation honors the service of those who sacrificed their lives serving in The United States military. It also celebrates the coming of Summer. What is the coincidence of these two apparently opposite sentiments? The coincidence may be related to flowers. The holiday originated after the American Civil War as Decoration Day, a day when the nation decorated the graves of veterans with flowers, the flowers of May. You know, “April showers bring May flowers.” The holiday became Memorial Day with the merger of the Union and Confederate Decoration Day holidays merged after the turn of the century. (more…)

Running A Social Contest In 2016 – What’s Changed?

Running A Social Contest In 2016 – What’s Changed?

This article was written by Christopher Riegger, an expert on list building and growth for small businesses. Check out his writing at Growth Fruit. Originally published on AdWeek

I did a search recently to find some good information about running a social contest. The latest post I found through Google search was an article from July 2014, and most of the articles I found were from 2011 or 2012. That's about 30 years ago in internet years. Digital marketing has evolved a great deal in the last five years, with social media changing at an especially rapid pace. (more…)

4 Marketing Challenges Facing Professional Services Providers, And How To Overcome Them

4 Marketing Challenges Facing Professional Services Providers, And How To Overcome Them

If you are trying to carve out competitive space as a professional services provider, you know: marketing your services online is not quite like any other type of online marketing. Whether you offer accounting, legal, brokerage, or other professional services, you face unique challenges in the digital environment that you need to overcome in order to be successful. (more…)

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