by Brad Friedman | Inbound Marketing
In the world of law, inbound marketing still has room to grow, even though more lawyers realize the value of creating content online to capture clients. In light of the extreme competition in the legal profession, finding ways to differentiate yourself from lawyers doing the same thing is essential. One idea is to focus your content on a particular legal niche and market to a very specific demographic. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
If you've been a practicing attorney for a number of years, you're perhaps in a position now where your competitors make you look like every other lawyer out there. You're likely doing very little marketing and continuing to rely on the goodwill of your clients and the old fashioned definition of word-of-mouth-marketing. This situations should be forcing you to look into new marketing techniques to make you stand out in refreshing ways that attract the right clients while proving your expertise. Attorneys using inbound marketing and social media marketing are growing their book of business (more…)
by Brad Friedman | General Business Advice
Many CPAs advertise using traditional methods such as community newsletters and perhaps a coupon mailer. Local radio shows are good venues; particularly drive-time shows that can boast loyal listeners but can also get quite expensive. Networking is another method. There are local and state business events where CPAs are a natural draw. Other opportunities are participating and joining on as a sponsor for charity sponsorships and supporting local sports teams. I’m going to throw another one at you that I bet you haven’t considered: mobile ads. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
If you are a solo practitioner or work for a firm that frowns on tweeting, take note: your competition is out there using Twitter and getting more publicity, brand awareness and clients.
It is okay to tweet—the ABA and state bar associations are doing it. Don’t hold back because you think it’s unprofessional; in fact, not tweeting is a bit weird, particularly if you’re looked upon as a rainmaker. We’ve put together a Twitter cheat sheet for attorneys to help you get started. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Gadgets - Technology
Ninety-one percent of attorneys use a smartphone, according to the 2013 ABA Tech Survey. Fully 62% use iPhones, 22% are on Android phones, and 16% are still using BlackBerrys. Almost half (48%) use tablets as well, and again, Apple dominates: 91% who have a tablet use an iPad. There are a number of mobile apps for lawyers worth checking out as the use and popularity of smartphones and mobile devices continues to rise. (more…)